How to connect to an RPi via SSH with PowerShell and install Node-RED (DietPi)

This tutorial aims to demonstrate that it is possible to access a Raspberry Pi (for example) via SSH without resorting to a terminal emulator.

In this tutorial, I will show you how to make an SSH connection using PowerShell (although it can also be done from the command line) and how to install Node-Red with DietPi-Software.

Sometimes it is necessary to access a device via SSH and there is no terminal emulator installed to facilitate the connection between the host and the guest, so the command line is a good solution to the problem. As Node-RED is a visual flow-based programming tool for connecting hardware devices and online services. The browser-based editing service facilitates the connection between large node connection streams. These nodes can represent functions or devices. As it allows the creation of functions based on JavaScript, it can be a good option for some IoT-related applications.

Parts Required

  • Raspberry Pi Zero 2W;
  • DietPi installed (check this link).

Establishing SSH connection

1. Open a PowerShell terminal.

2. Type the following command: ssh <login_username>@<raspberry_ip_address>

Note 1: <login_username> represents the user that you want to use to establish the connection like on Putty or another terminal emulator.

Note 2: <raspberry_ip_address> represents the IP address of your Raspberry Pi that you want to use to establish the connection. If you have difficulties knowing the IP address of your device you can check this tutorial.

3. Introduce your password and the connection is established.

Installing Node-RED

Note 1: During the process of installation with DietPi-Launcher you can check this tutorial.

Note 2: Node.js is a prerequisite for installing Node-RED (check this link).

1. Start DietPi-Launcher.

2. Select DietPi-Software to choose and install Node-RED.

3. Search and select “Node.js” and “Node-RED” for installation.

4. Proceed with the installation.

5. After finishing the installation you can exit from DietPi-Launcher and start Node-RED. Once the installation has been performed by DietPi-Software you need to run the following command to start Node-RED.

dietpi-services start node-red

6. To access Node-RED and start editing projects, use the hostname or IP address in the browser: http:/<hostname>:1880.

9. To stop Node-Red use the following command.

dietpi-services start node-red





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