In this tutorial, we will use the ultrasonic module to “see” obstacles and measure their distance. If the distance is less than a predefined threshold value, the car will automatically turn around and avoid the obstacle.
Parts Required
You can buy your kit @Amazon
- 1x Mecanum wheels robotic car chassis (2x left-wheels +2x right-wheels and 4x motor)
- 1 x Arduino Mega2560
- 1 x Wifi Shield
- 2 x Model X motor driver
- 1x SG90 servo motor
- 1x Ultrasonic HC-SR04
- 1x Mount holder
- 1x Battery box
- 2x 18650 Batteries(3.7V)
Following are the steps required to perform this tutorial.
Hardware Assembly
You must complete this tutorial Mars Explorer Mecanum Wheel Robot – How to Assembly [1] before you continue on with this one. In this tutorial, we will add a servo motor and an ultrasonic sensor to the robot.
Step 1: Install Ultrasonic Module to mount holder with 4pcs M1.4*8 screw and M1.4 nuts.
Step 2: Remove screws on copper pillars and install servo motor at the front of upper car chassis with 2pcs M2.2*8 Self Tapping Screws.
Step 3: Install mount holder for Ultrasonic Module on servo motor with M2*4 Self Tapping screw.
Circuit Connection
Step 1: Connect Servo 3-pin head to any Model X board servo slot(yellow to S pin, red to 5v, brown to G pin), then connect another S pin to Wifi board D13.
Step 2: Connect the Ultrasonic sensor module to the wifi board as the following graph.
#include <Servo.h> #define speedPinR 9 // RIGHT WHEEL PWM pin D45 connect front MODEL-X ENA #define RightMotorDirPin1 22 //Front Right Motor direction pin 1 to Front MODEL-X IN1 (K1) #define RightMotorDirPin2 24 //Front Right Motor direction pin 2 to Front MODEL-X IN2 (K1) #define LeftMotorDirPin1 26 //Left front Motor direction pin 1 to Front MODEL-X IN3 ( K3) #define LeftMotorDirPin2 28 //Left front Motor direction pin 2 to Front MODEL-X IN4 ( K3) #define speedPinL 10 // Left WHEEL PWM pin D7 connect front MODEL-X ENB #define speedPinRB 11 // RIGHT WHEEL PWM pin connect Back MODEL-X ENA #define RightMotorDirPin1B 5 //Rear Right Motor direction pin 1 to Back MODEL-X IN1 ( K1) #define RightMotorDirPin2B 6 //Rear Right Motor direction pin 2 to Back MODEL-X IN2 ( K1) #define LeftMotorDirPin1B 7 //Rear left Motor direction pin 1 to Back MODEL-X IN3 K3 #define LeftMotorDirPin2B 8 //Rear left Motor direction pin 2 to Back MODEL-X IN4 k3 #define speedPinLB 12 // LEFT WHEEL PWM pin D8 connect Rear MODEL-X ENB #define SERVO_PIN 13 //servo connect to D5 #define Echo_PIN 31 // Ultrasonic Echo pin connect to A5 #define Trig_PIN 30 // Ultrasonic Trig pin connect to A4 #define FAST_SPEED 110 //both sides of the motor speed #define SPEED 100 //both sides of the motor speed #define TURN_SPEED 110 //both sides of the motor speed #define FORWARD_TIME 350 //Forward distance #define BACK_TIME 300 // back distance #define TURN_TIME 250 //Time the robot spends turning (miliseconds) #define OBSTACLE_LIMIT 50 //minimum distance in cm to obstacles at both sides (the car will allow a shorter distance sideways) int distance; Servo head; /*motor control*/ void go_Advance() //Forward { FR_fwd(); FL_fwd(); RR_fwd(); RL_fwd(); } void go_Left() //Turn left { FR_fwd(); FL_bck(); RR_fwd(); RL_bck(); } void go_Right() //Turn right { FR_bck(); FL_fwd(); RR_bck(); RL_fwd(); } void go_Back() //Reverse { FR_bck(); FL_bck(); RR_bck(); RL_bck(); } void stop_Stop() //Stop { digitalWrite(RightMotorDirPin1, LOW); digitalWrite(RightMotorDirPin2,LOW); digitalWrite(LeftMotorDirPin1,LOW); digitalWrite(LeftMotorDirPin2,LOW); digitalWrite(RightMotorDirPin1B, LOW); digitalWrite(RightMotorDirPin2B,LOW); digitalWrite(LeftMotorDirPin1B,LOW); digitalWrite(LeftMotorDirPin2B,LOW); set_Motorspeed(0,0,0,0); } /*set motor speed */ void set_Motorspeed(int leftFront,int rightFront,int leftBack,int rightBack) { analogWrite(speedPinL,leftFront); analogWrite(speedPinR,rightFront); analogWrite(speedPinLB,leftBack); analogWrite(speedPinRB,rightBack); } void FR_fwd() //front-right wheel forward turn { digitalWrite(RightMotorDirPin1,HIGH); digitalWrite(RightMotorDirPin2,LOW); } void FR_bck() // front-right wheel backward turn { digitalWrite(RightMotorDirPin1,LOW); digitalWrite(RightMotorDirPin2,HIGH); } void FL_fwd() // front-left wheel forward turn { digitalWrite(LeftMotorDirPin1,HIGH); digitalWrite(LeftMotorDirPin2,LOW); } void FL_bck() // front-left wheel backward turn { digitalWrite(LeftMotorDirPin1,LOW); digitalWrite(LeftMotorDirPin2,HIGH); } void RR_fwd() //rear-right wheel forward turn { digitalWrite(RightMotorDirPin1B, HIGH); digitalWrite(RightMotorDirPin2B,LOW); } void RR_bck() //rear-right wheel backward turn { digitalWrite(RightMotorDirPin1B, LOW); digitalWrite(RightMotorDirPin2B,HIGH); } void RL_fwd() //rear-left wheel forward turn { digitalWrite(LeftMotorDirPin1B,HIGH); digitalWrite(LeftMotorDirPin2B,LOW); } void RL_bck() //rear-left wheel backward turn { digitalWrite(LeftMotorDirPin1B,LOW); digitalWrite(LeftMotorDirPin2B,HIGH); } /*detection of ultrasonic distance*/ int watch(){ long echo_distance; digitalWrite(Trig_PIN,LOW); delayMicroseconds(5); digitalWrite(Trig_PIN,HIGH); delayMicroseconds(15); digitalWrite(Trig_PIN,LOW); echo_distance=pulseIn(Echo_PIN,HIGH); echo_distance=echo_distance*0.01657; //how far away is the object in cm //Serial.println((int)echo_distance); return round(echo_distance); } //Meassures distances to the left,center,right return a String watchsurrounding(){ /* obstacle_status is a binary integer, its last 3 digits stands for if there is any obstacles in left front,direct front and right front directions, * 3 digit string, for example 100 means front left front has obstacle, 011 means direct front and right front have obstacles */ int obstacle_status =B1000; head.write(160); //senfor facing left front direction delay(250); distance = watch(); if(distance<OBSTACLE_LIMIT){ stop_Stop(); obstacle_status =obstacle_status | B100; } head.write(90); //sehsor facing direct front delay(250); distance = watch(); if(distance<OBSTACLE_LIMIT){ stop_Stop(); obstacle_status =obstacle_status | B10; } head.write(20); //sensor faces to right front 20 degree direction delay(250); distance = watch(); if(distance<OBSTACLE_LIMIT){ stop_Stop(); obstacle_status =obstacle_status | 1; } String obstacle_str= String(obstacle_status,BIN); obstacle_str= obstacle_str.substring(1,4); return obstacle_str; //return 5-character string standing for 5 direction obstacle status } void auto_avoidance(){ String obstacle_sign=watchsurrounding(); // 5 digits of obstacle_sign binary value means the 5 direction obstacle status Serial.print("begin str="); Serial.println(obstacle_sign); if( obstacle_sign=="100"){ Serial.println("SLIT right"); set_Motorspeed(FAST_SPEED,SPEED,FAST_SPEED,SPEED); go_Advance(); delay(TURN_TIME); stop_Stop(); } if( obstacle_sign=="001" ){ Serial.println("SLIT LEFT"); set_Motorspeed(SPEED,FAST_SPEED,SPEED,FAST_SPEED); go_Advance(); delay(TURN_TIME); stop_Stop(); } if( obstacle_sign=="110" ){ Serial.println("hand right"); go_Right(); set_Motorspeed(TURN_SPEED,TURN_SPEED,TURN_SPEED,TURN_SPEED); delay(TURN_TIME); stop_Stop(); } if( obstacle_sign=="011" || obstacle_sign=="010"){ Serial.println("hand left"); go_Left();//Turn left set_Motorspeed(TURN_SPEED,TURN_SPEED,TURN_SPEED,TURN_SPEED); delay(TURN_TIME*2/3); stop_Stop(); } if( obstacle_sign=="111" || obstacle_sign=="101" ){ Serial.println("hand back left"); go_Right(); set_Motorspeed(SPEED,FAST_SPEED,SPEED,FAST_SPEED); delay(BACK_TIME); stop_Stop(); } if( obstacle_sign=="000" ){ Serial.println("go ahead"); go_Advance(); set_Motorspeed(SPEED,SPEED,SPEED,SPEED); delay(FORWARD_TIME); stop_Stop(); } } void setup() { /*setup L298N pin mode*/ pinMode(RightMotorDirPin1, OUTPUT); pinMode(RightMotorDirPin2, OUTPUT); pinMode(speedPinL, OUTPUT); pinMode(LeftMotorDirPin1, OUTPUT); pinMode(LeftMotorDirPin2, OUTPUT); pinMode(speedPinR, OUTPUT); pinMode(RightMotorDirPin1B, OUTPUT); pinMode(RightMotorDirPin2B, OUTPUT); pinMode(speedPinLB, OUTPUT); pinMode(LeftMotorDirPin1B, OUTPUT); pinMode(LeftMotorDirPin2B, OUTPUT); pinMode(speedPinRB, OUTPUT); stop_Stop();//stop move /*init HC-SR04*/ pinMode(Trig_PIN, OUTPUT); pinMode(Echo_PIN,INPUT); /*init buzzer*/ digitalWrite(Trig_PIN,LOW); /*init servo*/ head.attach(SERVO_PIN); head.write(90); delay(2000); Serial.begin(9600); stop_Stop();//Stop } void loop() { auto_avoidance(); // Serial.println( watch()); //delay(2000); }
The following parameters are very important to make the performance tuning:
#define FAST_SPEED 110 //The difference between FAST_SPEED and SPEED determines the slight turning sharpness
#define SPEED 80 //forward moving speed
#define TURN_SPEED 110 //Turning Speed
#define FORWARD_TIME 200 //FORWARD_TIME determines Forward distance
#define BACK_TIME 300 // determines BACK MOVEMENT distance
#define TURN_TIME 250 //Determines turning sharpness
#define OBSTACLE_LIMIT 30 //minimum distance in cm to obstacles at both sides (the car will allow a shorter distance sideways)
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