How to Print Using the Velocity Painting Technique

In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to use the velocity painting technique to incorporate captivating patterns into your prints while printing in vase mode!

Welcome to the world of Velocity Painting – a game-changer in the realm of 3D printing creativity! Developed by Mark Wheadon, Velocity Painting is a software technique that allows you to infuse your 3D prints with mesmerizing textures and intricate patterns. This method uses speed variations to imprint any desired image onto your models. By cleverly adjusting the feed rate of the printer, darker shades are printed at slower speeds, while lighter shades are rendered slightly faster, resulting in a visible “painting” in your print. This approach requires no additional hardware modifications, making it accessible to all levels of 3D printing enthusiasts.

There are many applications for the Velocity Painting technique, but in this tutorial, we’ll focus on painting a pattern around a part that will be printed in “vase mode”. This printing mode, also known as spiral or single-wall mode, involves creating prints with a single continuous extrusion path, resulting in seamless, vase-like objects without visible layer lines. By combining vase mode with Velocity Painting, you can achieve stunning results, adding designs and textures to your prints with ease!

Steps Required

  • Prepare or download the 3D model you want to print. In this tutorial we’re using this vase model.
  • Slice your 3D model in vase mode. Depending on the slicer you’re using, this option might have a different name, such as spiral or single-wall mode. Don’t forget to adjust the outer wall line width, so your print doesn’t break easily – remember it’s being printed with a single wall!
  • It is also important to disable in the slicer software any options related to the layer times, as they may impact your printing speed, as the slicer tries to maintain a certain layer time configuration. Also disable pressure (linear) advance, if you’re using it. After slicing, save your .gcode file.
  • Download and open the Velocity Painting software.
  • In “Source files selection” import both the .gcode file and the image of the pattern you want to use. The image used in this tutorial is available in this link. The more contrast your image has, the better it’ll look in the print.
  • In “Paint type” choose the Cylinder option. This will warp the image around our vase model.
  • In “Image details” enter the Height and Z offset parameters. As the image will be warped around the object, the Width parameter is not needed. In the Height parameter, we’ll use our model’s height (70mm) and we’ll leave a 1mm Z offset.
  • In “Print speed”, add the Target, Low and High speed values. The target and high speeds can be set to what you’re using in your slicing profile, and the low speed can be set to 3 to 4 times lower than the target speed, depending on your printer’s min speed value.
  • In “Printer coordinates” add the x and y center coordinates for your print bed.
  • Click Generate and save your new .gcode file.
  • Preview your g-code to make sure the print head is never sent to a position it shouldn’t go and damage your printer. In the preview, we can also see the speed changes that will create our desired pattern.
  • Send the .gcode file to your printer and see the magic happenning!


As your part’s being printed, it’s possible to see the speed changes of the print head, and the pattern starts to show. Check out our finished part in the image below.

So, now that you’ve learned how to harness the power of Velocity Painting to elevate your 3D prints in vase mode, the possibilities are endless. You can experiment with different patterns, explore various designs, and unleash your creativity to create unique and mesmerizing prints. We’ll love to check your designs, so comment them down below! Happy printing!


[1] Mark Wheadon Velocity Painting website.

[2] Velocity Painting Github page.

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